A screenshot of Forgejo action runner status and result page, with the Forgejo, podman, and systemd logos on top.

Operate a runner for Forgejo actions with podman and systemd

This article is part three of a series on self-hosting Forgejo-aneksajo. If you have not read part one, and part two already, check them out. In many ways, this article is a direct continuation. If you are self-hosting a Forgejo instance already, it can make a lot of sense to also operate a runner for its actions. Forgejo’ actions will feel very familiar to anyone who has used Github’s actions. That being said, the Forgejo documentation clearly states that “they are not and will never be identical”....

2024-08-06 · 10 min · 2055 words · Michael Hanke
A screenshot of `systemd status` for a container process, and the Forgejo, podman, and systemd logos on top.

Deploying and managing Forgejo-aneksajo with podman and systemd

In a previous article, I described my first steps with Forgejo-aneksajo, and deploying it on my Raspberry Pi. This got me so excited that I started looking into deploying it on more machines. However, I quickly realized that the Docker-based approach I had used originally was not going to yield a setup that I would see myself wanting to maintain for an extended period of time. I knew I wanted something that I could completely apt install from Debian, that is maintained there as a whole, and not pieced together from only loosely connected components....

2024-07-31 · 16 min · 3272 words · Michael Hanke